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Ronald Bourret

Technical Writer

18 Woodwardia Ave., Felton, CA 95018 | | +1 831-335-4182 |


  • 15 years of experience writing documentation for developers. Created strategies for documentation targeting developers, designed and wrote code tutorials and sample applications, and wrote conceptual docs, how-to docs, API documentation, magazine articles, and books.

  • 10 years of experience developing software in multiple languages, including Java and C++. Software included XML processing, business applications, and graphics.

  • Research. Wrote sample code, interviewed engineers, and read code, design documents, and bugs. Able to translate complex technical information into clear, concise, and accurate writing.

  • Communication. Worked with developers, QA, support, PMs, marketing, and users to design documentation and products and resolve issues. Enjoy deciphering differences in mindsets.

  • Initiative and teamwork. Led documentation efforts and collaborated with cross-functional team members. Constantly thinking of ways to improve products and documentation.

Technical Skills

Authoring Tools:Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, JavaDoc
Developer Tools:Eclipse, Qt Creator, Git
Markup:Markdown, HTML/CSS, XML
Languages:Java, C/C++, JavaScript
Libraries:DOM, SAX, JDBC, Qt, Swing
Query:SQL, XQuery, XPath

Work Experience

  • Google, Sunnyvale, CA

    Technical Writer, Contract via Expert Support (2/18–10/19), FTE (10/19–1/24)

    • Planned, wrote, and maintained documentation for internal frameworks used to create and serve high-performance Google web applications such as Search. Work done in Markdown.

      • Led efforts to create new doc sets and refactor existing doc sets. Wrote doc plans, negotiated timelines, wrote and updated docs, and coordinated writing work by engineers. Kept stakeholders apprised and met deadlines.
      • Wrote multi-year strategy describing how the docs for three related frameworks should change as the frameworks evolved and merged.
      • Edited docs written by engineers for technical correctness, organization, clarity, and general writing quality. Provided feedback appropriate to the engineer’s writing ability.
      • Tracked changes to frameworks, libraries, and build rules used in code tutorials and updated tutorials accordingly. Work done in TypeScript, Java, C++, and Go.
    • Researched and wrote a guide for developers on how to write modern web applications at Google.

    • Helped create a course that taught engineers how to write higher quality documentation. Recruited and cultivated a community of instructors.

  • Independent consultant, Felton, CA, 2000 to 2018


    Wrote articles on XML and databases and XML namespaces for and the XML community. Several articles ranked high in Google searches and have been widely cited. Cowrote XML for DB2 Information Integration and wrote the XQuery chapter in Advanced XML Applications.


    Designed and wrote the DLN:Inspector for Cultural Heritage Imaging (CHI), which checks the consistency of image metadata across sets of graphics files. Added bookmarks and the ability to visualize surface normals to CHI’s RTIViewer. Work done in C++ with Qt.

    Designed and wrote middleware for transferring data between XML and relational databases; written in Java with JDBC, SQL, and DOM. Wrote an XML DTD parser in Java.

    Training and consulting

    Taught classes on XML basics, XML and databases, and XML query languages at corporations, government agencies, conferences, and the UC Berkeley School of Information.

    Consulted with corporations, universities, and government agencies about XML and databases.

  • Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany

    Research Assistant, 1997 to 1999

    Researched strategies for integrating XML with relational databases and published a peer- reviewed paper. Wrote XML and Databases, often considered the standard introduction to the topic. Co-edited Data Definition Markup Language (DDML), an early XML schema language.

  • Microsoft Corporation, via Sakson & Taylor, Redmond, WA

    Senior Technical Writer (Contract), OLE DB and ODBC, 1992 to 1997

    Cowrote Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide (versions 1.0–3.0) and OLE DB Programmer's Reference and Software Development Kit (versions 1.0–1.1), including concepts, programming how-tos, API reference, and code samples. Participated in API design.

    Acting Manager (Contract), ODBC User Education, 1993 to 1994

    Hired and managed a writer, an editor, and an indexer. Met weekly with MS Press and MSDN to coordinate publication of the ODBC Programmer's Reference. Scheduled documentation work and coordinated efforts with program management and development.

  • Graphicus, Kirkland, WA

    Software Engineer, 1986 to 1991

    Helped design and write charting, vector-based drawing, and statistics software in Pascal, Fortran, and C on Unix (HP-UX and SunOS). Tested software and installation procedures.

  • NCA, Sunnyvale, CA

    Software Engineer, 1981 to 1985

    Wrote material requirements planning (MRP) and accounting software in Basic on VAX/VMS, including a query processor and a data editor. Untangled complex control flow in reports.

Selected Writing

Developer’s guide: ODBC/Developing Applications/SQL Statements (unchanged since v3.0)
API reference: ODBC API Reference/SQLColumnPrivileges (unchanged since v3.0)
Magazine article: Going Native: Making the Case for XML Databases (Part 2, Part 3)
End user tutorial: Animatron Tutorial

Volunteer Work

  • San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District, Felton, CA

    Guest Instructor, 2014 to 2016

    Taught programming and computer animation to middle school students.

    Co-chair, Silent Auction, 2010 to 2014

    Tracked auction data and helped plan and run auction. Researched auction software and helped migrate data to new software. Raised ~$18,000/year for science and art programs.

  • Mount Hermon Playschool, Mount Hermon, CA

    Chair, Silent Auction, 2006 to 2008

    Planned auction, coordinated volunteers, wrote auction software, tracked auction data, publicized auction, and helped run actual auction. Raised ~$7,000/year for scholarships.


Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics, with Minors in Biology and Chemistry
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA

Course work in Technical Writing
University of Washington, Seattle, WA


German (conversational)


Rock climbing, kayaking, caving, bird watching, travel