Class Transfer


public class Transfer
extends Object
This application accepts a map document name, an XML document name, and (in the case of transferring data from the database to an XML document) a table name and key value. It transfers data in the specified direction.

The command line syntax for this application is:

    java Transfer {-todbms|-toxml} <map-file> <xml-file> [<table-name> <key-value>...]


    -todbms | -toxml indicates the direction of data transfer
    <map-file> is the name of the XML-DBMS map document
    <xml-file> is the name of the input or output XML document
    <table-name> is the name of the table containing the data to retrieve
       (-toxml direction only)
    <key-value>... is one or more values in a (multi-part) key
       (-toxml direction only)

For this application to work, there must be an ODBC data source named "xmldbms" and the tables used to store data must have already been created in the data source. This application uses the Sun JDBC-ODBC Bridge, but includes commented-out code for using the Easysoft JDBC-ODBC Bridge. If you are using a different JDBC driver, you will need to modify the code to use your driver.

This application is also hard-coded to use the Oracle version 2 XML parser and DOM implementation. However, it also includes commented-out code to use the Xerces and Sun XML parsers and DOM implementation. To modify Transfer for your XML parser and DOM implementation, comment/uncomment the appropriate import statements, code in toDBMS() and toXML(), versions of getSAXParser(), openDocument(), and writeDocument(). If you are using a parser or DOM implementation other than Oracle version 2, Xerces, or Sun, you will need to modify the code accordingly.

If the map document specifies that keys are to be generated, the default KeyGenerator implementation is used; for more information, see de.tudarmstadt.ito.xmldbms.helper.KeyGeneratorImpl.

Constructor Index

 o Transfer()

Method Index

 o main(String[])


 o Transfer
 public Transfer()


 o main
 public static void main(String argv[])